Sunday, October 16, 2011

You da man Cup.

Well I am still here. Still losing weight, but mostly losing fat. Every week, my belt gets looser and my pants are getting a little baggier. Shirts I used to not wear because they were to snug now fit pretty well.

Today I weighed in at 259. I think I am more around 261 in reality but that's what the scale said today. Working out has been great. Everyday I am excited to goto the gym and try to improve my strength.

I apologize for not posting very often, I have just been lazy. I look at my computer every week and think about how I need to write a post and I just doesn't happen. I guess because I spend most of my weekends doing grad school stuff and I would rather just watch football than look at this screen any more. Grad school has been going well so far. The one thing I don't like is that it takes a month to get some of my assignments graded, but I have to turn in 3 more before I get those grades, so it makes it hard to know exactly what I need to improve or what the teacher is looking for.

Other than grad school, things have been boring, which is depressing.

Sunday, September 4, 2011

School is back in it's full swing.

Today I weighed 264, or something close. I forgot already.

I realized the other day that I am only 20 pounds heavier than when I graduated high school 10 years ago. I was fairly happy about that, and it made me realize that I could get back down to that weight again.

School is back and going full steam now, which helps me. During the summer I just had plenty of time to sit around and eat and be lazy, even though I was going to the gym everyday. I am working out with a co-worker now, so that is a nice plus. It makes it a lot easier to go to the gym when there is someone else depending/expecting you to be there.

I started my first real semester of grad school this week as well. I put all my assignments on a calendar and felt very overwhelmed. After starting some of them and looking at what each assignment is, I think it is very do able.

Alright, I'm done rambling now.

Sunday, August 14, 2011

Fatty is still getting fit.

Well, I am back. I weigh 264.4 today. I took the summer off from the blog, but not from exercising. I was still lifting and getting on the treadmill, but I was in and out of town so I didn't update. I have maintained my weight over the summer, despite not eating very well the whole time. I guess that is a testament to the actual change I have made. I didn't just gain it back in the weeks I didn't work out (don't worry, it was just one or two). I have noticed enough change in my physical appearance as well as in my cadio endurance. I kinda stopped lifting the last two weeks. The program I was using was getting a little to much, a little to "intense". I will start back tomorrow though, with a co-worker, so maybe that will keep me motivated enough to finish it this time.

I started back to work last Monday, so far so good. One kid puked in the gym on Monday, and everything after that was smooth sailing. Hopefully this weeks is just the beginning of a good year to come.

Sunday, June 12, 2011

I'm gettin' more shredded than a Julienne salad, man.

Ok, so the title is misleading. It just was a quote from a great movie that I thought was semi-appropriate.

I am at 269 still. I have just been around that weight since I started lifting. I know I have gained some muscle, by simply appearance and by noticeable increase in strength. I, however, have not been losing weight. There are a few factors for this obviously. I haven't been on the treadmill nearly as much (I'll go into that in a minute), the diet still needs some help but it is getting better, and finally it is summer time, so I sit around more (and do work for my grad school classes).

Now, the hard part about all of this is, do I want to lose more weight, or get stronger? I know it is possible to do both (I think the weight will continue to come off, just slower), but it will be faster if I just stick to the treadmill and cardio work. If I want to get stronger, I will continue with the weights and do less cardio (Some studies have shown that lifting and cardio work do not help one another because they put your body and muscles into different "states"). I think I can do both, it just means more time at the gym, which is ok, I just don't want to be in there all day.

I started grad school this month. I have a 3 hour credit class that started June 1 and finishes June 26th. So needless to say, I have been keeping my nose in a book since the 1st. So far I have done well on my quizzes and assignments, so I think I will do well. I am looking forward to taking a class over the course of a full semester  should be a little better.

On a completely random note, I have found a new show that is awesome. My Big Fat Gypsy Wedding. It focuses on the weddings, and more interestingly the sub culture, of "travelers" in England. If you have ever seen the movie Snatch with Brad Pitt, then just think about Pitts character and his family/friends. It is a show about them, and their lifestyle. I am fascinated by them for some reason. Also, Pitt did an amazing job for that character, pretty dead on.

Sunday, May 22, 2011


Weight today is 269.

I am not cocky/stupid enough to think the weight gain came from the "muscles weighs more than fat" idea. I just don't think that I have gained that much lean muscle mass yet. What happened was I went to Mellow Mushroom two days in a row, both Friday and Saturday. Thats what happened.

Moving on. Tomorrow is the start of my program. It should be interesting to see how it goes. I feel like I have gotten a good start, but we will see. I am kinda nervous about it, mostly because I hate being horribly sore the next day, a little sore is fine. I just want to be able to still walk normally and pick my arms up above my head.

I also will be starting grad school this summer. Good grief, what was I thinking.

Sunday, May 15, 2011


Well today I weighed in at 266.4 I think. I weighed this morning and didn't write it down. I remember it was 266 for sure. Anyways, I think I am actually around 267 or about the same as last week.

The lifting is going well, just doing some basic lifts on the machines. I think I'll be ready to start the "real" program  when school gets out. While doing some of these lifts/exercises I used an Ab wheel on Wednesday. My abs are still sore, that thing is awesome. It is odd how much I like working out now. I have a nice routine of 20-30 mins on the treadmill then about 30 mins of lifting. I rotate what muscle groups I work on each day, and I try to switch what I do so that it hasn't gotten boring yet. I also took a new set of photos yesterday. I could see a little difference  nothing major yet, but it is kinda a driving thing to keep me motivated. If I can see the results, then its encouraging to keep working hard.

School is almost out, which is bitter sweet. I get to do a lot of nothing, seeing family and friends, and I will have plenty of time to go shooting. On the other hand, I get bored easily, so hopefully working out will help fill that boredom.

Sunday, May 8, 2011

Two weeks later....

I am now 268.4. I have weighed in that range pretty much all week so I feel confident that it is an accurate measurement. I was going to the gym every day, and pushing myself pretty hard while I was there. Then one day, my legs just couldn't go. I was barely making it 25 minutes with minimal jogging involved. So I took a few days off when I went to Chattanooga last weekend to visit my friend Jay, he is a minor league umpire. After returning back from that trip, it was the week to plan Field Day, so I was at school a little longer than normal and it was tiring to try and plan a whole day for the whole school. That's a lot of kids to entertain at the same time. I was able to goto the gym a few days, but not as much as I wanted.

I have started lifting a little on the machines at the gym. I love the feeling of slightly sore muscles.The program I am going to follow is pretty intense so I want to try and get myself ready to start it. I plan on starting when we finish school for the year, that way I can easily make it my morning routine.

Summer is so close, it's gonna be awesome.